Find out about local alerts and warnings by contacting your local emergency management or visiting their website.

Holiday Safety

  • HEAT


    can burn at temperatures up to 2,000 degrees



    should not be left burning for more than a couple hours



    for heating should be inspected annually



    are illegal in some areas


When you’re making travel plans for the holidays, prepare for the unexpected. Mistakes are bound to happen and traffic is almost unavoidable when millions of people are traveling at the same time.

If you are stuck in traffic, waiting in the airport security line or find yourself in a fender bender, take a deep breath, relax and be patient. The happiest holiday gift you can give your loved ones is your safe arrival.


  • Have your vehicle serviced before long trips
  • Make sure you have any maps you may need
  • Have a cell phone with you
  • Check on road conditions before you leave at
  • Don’t stop in remote areas to ask for directions
  • Don’t advertise that you’re from out-of-town by pulling over to the curb to read a road map
  • When you get out of your car, keep holiday packages and other valuables out of sight
  • Make sure you have a Vehicle Safety Kit in your car
  • Never drink and drive. Be aware of impaired drivers.
  • Double-check your reservation a few weeks before your departure date
  • Make copies of your itinerary for yourself and the people you’re visiting
  • Check out current Federal Aviation Guidelines about safety, carry-on baggage and airport arrival time recommendations at
  • Make arrangements with the airline in advance and bring needed supplies when traveling with children, pets or individuals with access or functional needs
  • Dress so you can breeze through safety checkpoints without stripping down
  • Call ahead to find out gate information to save time
  • Bring contact numbers and a bag with extra clothes and personal items (like medication) in case you get stranded or the airline misplaces your luggage.


when encountering holiday hazards



    Choose decorations made of flame-resistant, flame-retardant or noncombustible materials when possible


    HAVE A

    Inform your guests of your fire escape plan and make sure you know at least two exits when you are a guest, especially at hotels. Keep medications up and away from children, not in an open suitcase or purse.



    Maintain a 36-inch clearance between space heaters and anything flammable



    Adults should always supervise fireworks activities. Parents often don’t realize that there are many injuries from sparklers to children under five.


Holidays are usually filled with more cooking, home decorating, and entertaining-not to mention an increased risk of fire. Make sure you and your family know how to stay safe before you make merry! Follow the safety tips below for a brighter (watch those candles) holiday season.


  • Don’t overload extension cords
  • Don’t pierce light string cords with clips or nails when hanging.
  • Keep candles away from decorations and Christmas trees.
  • Make sure live greenery is fresh. Keep dried out trees and garland away from open flames.
  • Before plugging in lights, check for damage
  • Keep children and pets away from electrical decorations
  • Make sure to turn off light strings and decorations and blow out candles before leaving the house or going to bed
  • Keep an eye on the stove and oven while chatting with visitors.
  • Keep matches and lighters away from children.
  • Place candles on non-flammable surfaces and away from drafts.
  • Ask visitors to smoke outside and use ashtrays.
  • Don’t keep candles burning for more than a few hours at a time.
  • Test your smoke and CO alarms before any gathering.
  • Make sure any space heater you buy carries the mark of an independent testing lab (look for a tag or sticker).
  • Use seasoned wood to reduce sap build-up in your chimney.
  • Use a fireplace screen to prevent sparks from flying into the room
  • Make sure the flue is open before starting a fire in the fireplace.
  • Turn off space heaters when you leave the room or go to bed
  • Have solid-fueled heating equipment inspected annually by a professional
  • Place fireplace and woodstove ashes in a metal container
  • Test smoke and CO alarms monthly.
  • Never allow young children to play with fireworks
  • Avoid buying fireworks that come in brown paper packaging, as this can often be a sign that the fireworks were made for professional displays and could pose a danger to consumers
  • Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not fully functioned
  • Never point or throw fireworks at another person
  • Never carry fireworks in a pocket or shoot them off in metal or glass containers.
  • Check whether your county has a burn ban in place before using fireworks
  • Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishap
  • Never have any portion of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Move back to a safe distance immediately after lighting
  • Light one item at a time then move back quickly
  • After fireworks fully complete their functioning, douse the spent device with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding to prevent a trash fire.

Take the Quiz

  • Question 1

    On Christmas Eve, it’s okay to leave the Christmas tree lights on for Santa after you and the kids go to bed.


    Lights can overheat the tree and cause a fire


    Lights can overheat the tree and cause a fire

  • Question 2

    How often should you inspect your heating equipment?


    You should manually inspect the heating equipment every year


    You should manually inspect the heating equipment every year

  • Your Results

    0 Correct, 0 Wrong

  • Make a Plan

    A little preparation could protect your life and the lives of those around you. It only takes a few minutes to develop a plan. When finished, you'll have a pocket-size emergency plan at hand.

  • Build a Kit

    Remember how long it took to pack for your last vacation? The last thing you want to worry about in a disaster is packing. That’s why everyone should have an Emergency Supply Kit ready to go. Use this checklist to help you assemble your kit.

/// Find out about local alerts and warnings by contacting your local emergency management or visiting their website. ///